
Book Marketing

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Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Pexels.com

Book Marketing Tips

It’s no secret that marketing and artists do not gel. We always want to shove ourselves in our little corners and do what we love – be it writing, painting, singing and more. Do not tell me now to go out and find people to buy my work. However, we really need to try, otherwise, all our effort goes to waste if nobody knows about it and if nobody buys it. So here are a few things you MUST do to kick-start your marketing campaign.

1. Design a Book Cover

You can not talk about a book that we cannot see. So while you are still busy cooking it, design a cover for marketing in social media and on posters.

2. Write a Marketing Copy

Write a short and interesting synopsis about your book. If you have done this well you will get orders before finishing the book.

3. Set-up Social Media Pages

Create a buzz about your book on social media. Create pages/profiles that will have the book cover and synopsis. Post interesting lines about the book, forewords, table of content, etc. Just increase awareness about your interesting upcoming title.

4. Create a Website

Your book is your business. Treat it like one. Create a website with a proper domain name, and also set up emails matching your domain. You must be professional about this.

5. Blog about your Book Content

Yes, start a blog on the subject of your book. This will make you an expert in your field.

6. Be Visible

As an author on a particular field, be visible in social media, in blogs, pages, and groups related to your subject through likes and comments.

7. Buy Paid Advertising

Buy advertising space in sites/blogs that relate to your subject. Because that means they are visited by your potential clients. Buy paid clicks from google, amazon, etc. You may also pay for advertising on Facebook.

8. Speak

Yes, set yourself up as a speaker on your subject. Partner with other people and also start your own speaking engagements.

9. Print Posters

You can also print pamphlets for distribution at the robots, taxi ranks, malls etc. You may also print posters for pole advertising.

10. All of the Above

Practice all of the above and more. you can always ask me when you do not understand something.

Good Luck!

Till Next Time!

Remember, Ondiswa Writes & You Read!!!

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